UroFiber SuperPulsed Thulium
Fiber Laser System

All-in-one Solution for Stone Lithotripsy

and BPH Enucleation




Unique One-stop Solution for Stone Lithotripsy and BPH Enucleation

Both CW & SuperPulesed mode with Average Power up to 150W


Innovative Exchangeable Dual Display Software Interface

State-of-Art Interface Design to Improve the Doctors’ Surgery Experience


Green Pilot Laser for the Best Visibility for Blood-saturated Tissue

Fibers 150µm / 200µm / 365µm / 550µm / 940µm


Low Residual Tissue Carbonization for a Clean and Clearly

Visible Surgical Field Ability to Perform the Histological Exam of Enucleated Tissue Samples


Significant Improvement in Quality of Life

Shorter Treatment Time and Hospital Stay, Faster Recovery Low Rate of Recurrences

600 w

Unique SuperPulsed Mode with Peak Power of 600W

Effective for all Types of Stones Minimally Invasive Surgery

5000 Hz

High Repetition Rate Pulsed Laser Output for Perfect Fine Dusting

Pulse Energy of 0.025 J can achieve 5000Hz laser output

60 dB

Customized Water Cooling System for Quiet  Operation

Noise Level Lower to 60 dB

2500 w

High Efficiency Electrical System

2500W Power Consumption for friendly meeting all clinics’ environments

UroFiber Meets International Quality
Standards for Minimally Invasive Laser.

Surgery 1940nm Laser Wavelength for Unmatched
Efficacy of Soft Tissue.

The Peculiarity of SuperPulsed Mode.

Allows to Reduce Retropulsion Effect to an
Absolute Minimum Level.

Cutting Unique SuperPulsed Mode for
Quick and Efficient Lithotripsy.

Fine Dusting: A Special Mode for Breaking Stones into
Tiniest Pieces Painlessly Excreted with Urine.

UroFiber Is Perfectly Suitable for
Fragmentation, Dusting and Fine Dusting
Techniques in Lithotripsy.

Flexible Settings of Pulse Energy and Frequency Allow to Select
Parameters for Efficient Lithotripsy of Stones of Any Type
and Size as Well as Efficient Dissection of Soft Tissue.


in Urology


 ·  Fine Dusting

·  Dusting

·  Fragmentation

·  Popcorning

Thulium Fiber Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (ThuFLEP)

Vaporization of Bladder Tumor

Ablation and Resection of Superficial Tumors

Resection of Bladder Wall with Tumors

En-bloc Resection

Soft Tissue Cutting and Coagulation

 ·  BNI

·  Stricture


·  Endopyelotomy etc.

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